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          CHARITIES - Pat Spencer

          CHRISTMAS PARTY - Terri Mullin




          COMMUNITY SERVICE - Janet Mitchell and Diana Van Riel




         EASTER EGG EXCHANGE - Debbie Ragains




          EDUCATION - Marthalene Roberts




          FAIR - Annette Lamarre and Carol Whitton




          HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE - Becky Bolding and Jeannetta Cimo




          HOLIDAY RAFFLE - Carol Whitton




          HOSPITALITY - Annette Lamarre




          NOMINATIONS - Jeannetta Cimo, Rosanne Scholey, Diana Van Riel




          OCTOBER PAINTING MONTH - Sue Clark




          SPECIAL RAFFLES - Helga Mycroft




          SUMMER SEMINAR - Becky Bolding, Rosanne Scholey




          SUNSHINE - Donna Nelson




          WEBSITE - Carol Whitton




          WELCOME - Shirley Golding and Paula Maldonado






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© 2023 by The Desert Quail Painters

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